Booker T. Washington High School
Superior Ratings for a Superior Choir

October 10, 2014

Superior Ratings for a Superior Choir

Booker T. Washington High School “Golden Voices”

Olander Robinson, Choir Director

The BTW High School "Golden Voices" Choir participated in the Alabama National Fair's Choral Festival on yesterday, October 6, 2014.  I am super proud to let you know that the students earned a rating of SUPERIOR, which is the highest rating that can be achieved.  There were twenty-one choirs from around the state that participated.  We also had the honor of being chosen to perform last evening during the awards ceremony, where only six choirs were granted this opportunity.

Aside from performing and listening critically to other choirs, the students had a blast enjoying the rides, games, and food (especially their teacher) of the fair.

If you should see the students of BTW walking around the school looking up at the ceiling, nothing's wrong with the ceiling, they are just displaying that EAGLE PRIDE.


Ice Bucket Challenge @ BTW

September 02, 2014

Students, Faculty and Staff at Booker T. Washington High School raised over $312.00 in one day to support Bridges Center for Women in Tuskegee by hosting an Ice Bucket Challenge.

The Aministration Staff, including Principal Nelson, Vice-principal Williams, the Dean of Students, the Head Football Coach and the Counselors were challenged to be baptized in ice cold water.

Everything went off with the usual screaming, yelling and dancing around in ice cold water (except for Coach Heard, who was over-heard asking for "more ice water").  

At the end, a check for $312.00 was presented to the Director of Bridges.  Bridges is a part of Teens Empowerment Awareness with Resolutions group.

For some photographs of the event, click here.

Good Job, BTW!

Open House @ BTW

August 19, 2014

Open House


Booker T. Washington High School


August 25, 2014

6:00 PM

Meal Price Increase

August 14, 2014

Please be informed that The Macon County Board of Education, in regular session on July 24, 2014, approved the increase cost of the selected meals listed below:

  • Student-paid lunch meals    $1.40 (all students will continue to eat at no charge)
  • Adult-paid lunch meals         $3.35 (Board employees)
  • Adult-paid lunch meals         $3.60 (Non Board employees)

All carry-out meals will be $0.25 extra

Stopping Child Obesity with Body Quest

August 05, 2014

Two out of three adults are overweight or obese.  One out of three children are overweight or obese.

86 children from Bullock and Macon counties participated in the Body Quest program for 17 weeks.  At the end of the 17 weeks, the students were choosing more fruits and vegetables.  A common statement among the participants was, "These vegetables taste great!".

The Body Quest initiative encourages children to make healthier food choices, like fruits and vegetables.  Body Quest is a part of the Nutrition Education Program, or NEP.

NEP helps persons eligible for food assistance make health food choices on a budget and stay physically active.

The Body Quest Program

The Nutrition Education Program FY13 Report Auburn University


February 27, 2014

The Tuskegee University Department of Nursing, working under a grant from Health Resources and Services Administration, Nursing Workforce Diversity, is offering an ACT/SAT test taking skills Workshop.

The workshop will take place at Basil O'Conner Hall on the campus of Tuskegee University, at 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, on April 5, 2014.

Registration Deadline:  March 31, 2014

There is no admission fee for this workshop (FREE).

For more information

contact Ms Bowen (334) 724-4336 or (334) 724-4716

Earn College Credits for Free!

February 18, 2014

There will be a Parent’s Night Out session to inform both the parents and students about dual enrollment. The session will take place on:

Monday, March 10, 2014 • 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Trenholm State Technical College/Patterson Campus, Building D

3920 Troy Highway Montgomery, AL 36116

The dual enrollment program is FREE for those students who are interested and meet the qualification. In addition, textbooks are FREE!! Come out and join us for an evening of meaningful and informative information.

One More Snow Day for Macon County

January 29, 2014

Due the the sub-freezing temperature prediction for tonight, all schools will remain closed tomorrow, January 30, 2014.  We anticipate a return normal schedule on Friday, January 31, 2014.
