Macon County Schools
Social Business Competition
January 04, 2013

Social business is a cause-driven business. In a social business, the investors/owners can gradually recoup the money invested, but cannot take any dividend beyond that point. The purpose of the investment is purely to achieve one or more social objectives through the operation of the company; no personal gain is desired by the investors. The company must cover all costs, make a profit, and at the same time achieve a social objective, such as, healthcare for the poor, housing for the poor, financial services for the poor, nutrition for malnourished children, providing safe drinking water, introducing renewable energy, etc.

Professor Muhammad Yunus is a winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize.  He is known as the father of the Microcredit Concept and the "Banker to the Poor."  His work has centered upon helping communities identify their problems and raising resources to resolve those problems.

Professor Yunus is coming to the Macon County School System this January.

Professor Yunus is requesting that we solicit teams of students, in grades 9 through 12, through classes or school groups to identify a social problem or ill in the community and generate a plausible solution to it. The team rules are attached and are also extended to faculty and administration.

For more information about Professor Yunus, Social Business and the student competition, please down-load the attached document.
