George Washington Carver

Math Coach's Corner with Ms. Perkins



George Washington Carver Elementary School

“Home of the Cubs”

Mr. Norman Williams, Jr, Principal                                     

  Mrs. U. Brown, Asst. Principal


Third Grade Syllabus



Pre-K & K Demonstrates Responsibility 

1st Grade Provides Stability 

2nd Grade Enhances Capability 

“3rd Grade is Accountability!”




Mr. G. Clausell

Ms. R. Hagins

Ms. C. Hough

Ms. T. Perkins

Ms. A. Sullins


Note:   This syllabus was designed by the G.W.C. Third Grade Team in order to provide detailed units of instruction and grade level standards for the 2021-2022 school year.  Although the five (5) teachers collaborate about the consistency of the lessons; each teacher will present and manage the content and materials of the instructional units.  Please consult your child’s/children’s teacher for a more detailed explanation of upcoming lesson planning.


George Washington Carver Elementary School



Empowering students to be academically inclined, creative, flexible, and technologically sound. 



The mission of George Washington Carver Elementary School is to construct partnerships between schools, parents, and the community that empower our students to develop into productive, self-motivated individuals with a life-long love for learning, by providing a safe and comfortable environment enriched with academic excellence.


3rd Grade Mission

Our goal is to prepare students to become well-rounded, successful people, who will be able to compete in a competitive and technological world. Third grade will also be a safe place for students to be successful at learning, while performing in a challenging environment, which encourages a shared responsibility between teachers and families.


3rd Grade Goals 

Our goals are to:

 1. Analyze data in all areas with classroom decisions based on data and research, 2. Present differentiated instruction of lessons and units for all learning styles in a manner that is engaging and student centered 3. Provide a safe and supportive environment that encourages students to “think outside of the box” 4. Maintain open communication between teachers and families.


School Rules

See School/County Handbook


Provided are the College and Career Readiness Standards that are used as guides to create structural lessons. All standards can be found on the Alabama State Dept. of Education or Alabama Learning Exchange websites. 



English Language Arts

Third grade students are to read and understand grade-level appropriate material. They will learn a variety of comprehension strategies as needed, including asking and answering questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources. Students are encouraged to begin reading for pleasure. Students are also instructed to read and respond to a wide variety of significant works of children’s literature. They distinguish between the structural features of text and the literary terms or elements (i.e., theme, plot, setting, and characters).



The focus of our mathematics instruction is to deepen each student’s understanding of place value and their understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers. Students will be able to estimate, measure, and describe objects in space, use and understand patterns to help solve problems, and represent number relationships.



The focus of the science curriculum is to promote students to use inquiry and understand the scientific method.  Students will use various inquiry skills through participating in scientific and engineering practices in the following: Physical; Life; Earth and Space Sciences.


Social Studies

The focus of the social studies curriculum is to strengthen each student’s geographical skills, to teach and help relate history, government, and economics of past societies to current societies.  Students will also be involved in organizing, explaining, analyzing, researching, and presenting facts that are researched on specific topics.



The focus of the technology curriculum is to strengthen each student’s knowledge of basic operations and care of computers and networks, to develop skills with a variety of media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, personal experiences and stories, to use computers and networks in legal, ethical, and safe ways, and to choose from a variety of digital tools to create original works for use in individual or group projects.


***All College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) can be found at the following link:



Several assessments are used to determine learning styles and levels of each student. These assessments include but are not limited to:


  1. Oral assessments

  2. Journals

  3. Teacher Observation

  4. Quizzes/Tests

  5. Independent Assignments

  6. i-Ready Reading/Mathematics Diagnostic

  7. ACAP (Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program)

  8. Xtra Math Fact Drill


Alabama Literacy Act

In 2019, the Alabama legislature passed the Alabama Literacy Act. The Alabama Literacy Act was established to improve the reading proficiency of public school kindergarten through 3rd grade students and ensure that those students are able to read at or above grade level by the end of the 3rd grade.


Grading Scale

100-90 A    

89-80   B

79-70   C

69-60   D

59-0      F



Homework has a very important purpose. It is directly related to the skills being presented in class. Homework provides students with practice on materials they are being taught daily. It reinforces learning and facilitates mastery of specific skills. Homework also is used to (1) establish communication between parents and children; (2) fulfill directives from school administrators; and (3) inform parents about what is going on in school. Homework assignments should not take more than 45 minutes to complete, unless it is a special project that requires research.  The third grade team assigns homework Monday-Thursday, unless the reading and math programs require an assessment of students on Monday.


When students arrive after 7:45, they are considered tardy. Tardy students miss vital parts of instruction and a disruption may be caused. Please remember to have all students to school on time daily! If the student enters later than the designated time, a person transporting the student must come into the office area to sign in the student.


When students are absent, a written excuse must be provided as proof of the reason.  If students receive three unexcused absences, parents/guardians will receive a letter seeking cause.


Make-up Assignments

Students will only be allowed to make up missed assignments if they have an excused absence.  



Parents/Guardians are welcome to visit the classroom, as long as visits follow the guidelines set forth by the Macon County Board of Education and the administration of the school. (DUE TO COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS/GUIDELINES, THERE WILL BE NO VISITATION AT THIS TIME!)


The third grade team understands that communication is important and necessary. Therefore, we seek to develop partnerships with each family. Newsletters, ClassDojo, Google Classroom, Google Voice, notes, memos, and handouts are often sent home to keep you informed about daily, weekly, and monthly activities.  Please check your child’s notebook/folder nightly for any forms of communication. We also encourage each parent that has internet access to contact us via email. Simply log on to, click on the staff directory, type in your child’s teacher, and email them your comments and concerns. (Please allow at least 24 hours for a response.)  Conferences are scheduled through the office. Remember teachers are only available 7:15-7:45, planning periods (see your teacher for planning time), and after 3:30 when scheduled.



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