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Retreat 2012
June 04, 2012 Syndicated from District

Macon County School System School Board members, Administrators, Teachers and support personnel met at the Kellogg Conference Center on Tuskegee University Campus to discuss and strategize how to better serve an underserved class of  student....young black males.

In an event taking place over several days, the group met (and will meet) to discuss and identify where successes are taking place and where we can take a different and better approach

Sunday afternoon, group members were confronted with flyers posted around the reception/registration area.  Each flyer displayed statistics illustrating the plight of young men of color in public education in America.  The flyers made bold, confrontational statements.  For example, the person a young black male is least likely to confide in is his father.  Next, we were treated to a film documenting the genesis of the apparent dysfunction taking place in the lives of young men in public schools in America.

A bold, award-winning documentary, 500 years later, was show, dissected and evaluated in terms of where the message of the movie applied to our young men of all ethnicities.

Then we as a group found ourselves in collaboration with each other, using each others' ears as a sounding board to identify how we can use what we have in place now to better serve our young men.

Day Two found us continuing with the same theme of raising awareness of the rich and unique legacy of central Alabama in general and Tuskegee in particular.  We left the Kellogg Conference Center for the Historical Treat to be found at the Multicultural Center of Tuskegee, founded by Civil Rights Attorney, Fred Gray and his late wife.  It was impossible to not feel both humbled and inspired when surrounded by courage documented at the Multicultural Center of Tuskegee, The Best Small Museum in the World.

The group ajourned, with anticipation of what the morrow brings...but, whatever challenges arise, that challenge will be met.





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