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Ms. Sullen Earns Award!
July 22, 2012 Syndicated from District

Ms. Brelinda Sullen, Principal of  Notasulga High School, was recently awarded the Designing Alabama's Civic Health Award in recognition of her contributions to civic health through her emphasis on character education at Notasulga High School, where she has been Principal for five years.

Adam Ziyad, a graduate of Notasulga High School, and Yowseph Ziyad, a senior at Notasulga High designed and printed posters to Principal Sullen as a component of the Civic Health Project coordinated by Auburn University.

"The students were proud to present the award to Mrs. Sullen," says Dr. Mark Wilson, Director of Civic Learning Initiatives for the College of Liberal Arts at Auburn University.  With help from Mobile Studio artist Dan Neil and Auburn University Landscape Architecture Professor, Jocelyn Zanzot, Macon County students made designs using statistics about civic data in Macon County, Alabama.

Congratulations, Ms. Sullen!

The posters designed by the students can be viewed here.


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