Notasulga High School
American Education Week
WRITTEN BY Saniqua Rock ON November 15, 2012

On Thursday, November 15, 2012 Notasulga High School celebrated American Education Week with a student led and oriented assembly.  Students from Kindergarten through 12th grades showcased their abilities by presenting the Pledge of Allegiance, Rapping and Singing just to name a few.  Not only did the students of NHS do an outstanding job but they were afforded the opportunity to have The Honorable Omar Neal Mayor of Tuskegee 2008-2012 as the guest speaker.

 Mayor Neal mesmerized and captivated his audience by opening up an alliteration and rhyme about the concept of time.  He used the analogy of an Eagle and a Chicken as his topic of discussion.  “There once was an Eagle who was raised on a chicken farm as a chicken,” he began.  “The Eagle would see the other eagles and birds flying through the air and wished he could fly.”  Mayor Neal continued to say, “The eagle never recognized his own ability to fly, because he never believed that the wings he was given would allow him [the eagle] to soar through the wild blue yonder.  When there is danger near or obstacles in an Eagles’ path, instead of going around it Eagles rise above it.”  Mayor Neal went on to say that he was very impressed at the level of respect the student body has for authority and how attentive and engaging everyone appeared.  ‘There is something special here at Notasulga, you can feel it once you arrive on the schools’ ground.’  These epithets echoed the very sentiments of what American Education week is all about.

America’s children are the legacy of our Nation. It is a known fact that this legacy can only be fulfilled through quality education.  Today, America remains strong because of its educational values.  That is why “Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility,” is more than just a tagline. This reflection calls to provide students with quality public schools so that they can grow, prosper, and achieve in the 21st century.
