Notasulga High School
WRITTEN BY Venesia McClaney ON March 19, 2013 Syndicated from District

The Macon County Forestry Planning Committee held its 1st Annual Macon County Water Festival on Monday, March 18th, at Tuskegee Public School.  It was on that day that Malcolm Moss, fourth grader at Tuskegee Public School, learned his logo design was featured on this year's Water Festival t-shirt. 

When he arrived to school on Monday, Malcolm was surprised to see his classmates wearing bright red t-shirts featuring his logo design.  Best of all, he celebrated when he learned his art work earned his teacher, Mrs. Haygood, and him a $50.00 prize each. Dr. James Reese, chairman of the committee, presented both of them with checks and a bag filled with goodies.

 Malcolm's design, shown below, was featured on all the t-shirts worn by all Water Festival participants, including program volunteers and students and teachers at Deborah Cannon Wolfe, Notasulga High, Tuskegee Public Schools ,

We all are very proud of Malcolm and cannot wait to see designs for next year's Water Festival!

