Mrs. TriShonne Tullos Cornelius
Deborah Cannon Wolfe Elementary School
4450 Cross Keys Road
Shorter, Alabama 36075
Business Number: 334-727-1641 Fax: 334-727-9958
Greetings D.C. Wolfe Family!
I would like to welcome you and your child to Deborah Cannon Wolfe Elementary School! I am positive that together we can make school a "happy" place to be.
My primary responsibilities are academics, discipline, and student safety. As you know, rules and structure are necessary components to every school, in every classroom and on every bus. Therefore, I ask that you discuss the following rules with your child:
Listen carefully
Follow directions the first time given
Be Kind
Work quietly when necessary
Walk quietly in halls
Keep his or her area clean
Do his/her best
Following these rules will ensure optimal learning opportunities for all students. As a faculty and staff, we are planning many engaging lessons and activities for the year. Please know that a safe continuation of education for your child is our number one priority. With this in mind, we need your assistance more than ever to be successful.
Please maintain an open line of communication with your child's teacher. Like the Deborah Cannon Wolfe Elementary Facebook Page and the Macon County Schools Facebook Page. Ask questions or make suggestions when you have them. Offer your support. Make sure that telephone numbers and email addresses are up to date. Check messages frequently. If either one of those change, contact our school's secretary and ask her to update your information for you. Remember communication is key!
If you ever need assistance, have questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at (334)727-1600 or I am usually available daily for conferences, however, teacher parent conferences must be scheduled in advance. If I do not have the answers, I can help you find solutions! Together we can ensure that each child succeeds!
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