Students will be instructed according to their Individual Academic Plan(IAP) that outlines the core and electives courses needed for credit toward graduation. In order for a student to receive full credit for a course, he or she must complete a minimum of 140 clock hours ( 70 hours for 1/2 credit). Each student who has been accepted/referred will have his/her transcript by the school counselor.The counselor will determine the appropriate core course sequence that the student will follow in the Second Chance Program at the Student Success Center.
Plato Pathway Courseware will be used in a lab setting to facilitate the presentation of subjects for credit recovery as needed. Students will be enrolled in Plato Pathways Courseware based on their IAP's.
Acellus courses will be used to cover all core areas. Standards based courses content is available in mathematics, social studies, science, language arts, reading as well as electives and College Board Approved advanced placement courses that cover a wide spectrum of needs, from exceptional learners to honor students.
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