Macon County Schools

Special Education Services

Special Educators:

The special education program hires highly qualified personnel who serve students at each level. Learn more about each of them by visiting their school websites.

Personnel are as follows:






Booker T. Washington High School

Ms. Tiffany Dorn

Collaborative Teacher



Ms. Jawanna Shepard

Collaborative Teacher




Ms. Artina Allen

Self-Contained Teacher





Ms. Cheyenne Carr

Collaborative Teacher






Mrs. Evyonne Herbert

Personal Care Aide




Mrs. Beatrice Thomas


Instructional Aide




Deborah Cannon Wolfe Elementary School


Carloyn Bruner


Collaborative Teacher







George Washington Carver Elementary School


Ms. M. Reggie







Self-Contained Teacher (K-3)/ Collaborative



Instructional Aide








Mrs. Jacquelyn Torbert




Collaborative Teacher








Ms. Tiffany Dixon

Speech Language Pathologist

System - Wide




Notasulga High School 


Mrs. Vanessa Lawson


Ms. Tamara Knight

Self-Contained Teacher/Collaborative Teacher

Collaborative Teacher




Tuskegee Institute Middle School


Dr. Robbi Flowers


Collaborative Teacher






Mrs. Debra Brown

Instructional Aide





Tuskegee Public School


Mrs. Jaymis Gatewood


Mrs. Romana




Catrice Floyd



Mrs. Fannie Miles







Self-Contained Teacher


Collaborative Teacher



Instructional Aide



Personal Care Aide






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