Notasulga High School

Ms. Mauldin - Science

Notasulga High School

Ms. Alethea Mauldin’s 12th Grade Anatomy & Physiology

2021 - 2022 Syllabus

About the teacher:

I am a Science teacher at Notasulga High School.  I have a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Biology from Tuskegee University.  I obtained my Education Certification from Troy University in Dothan.

Contact Information:


Telephone:  334-724-1240

Course Description:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Anatomy & Physiology provides students with an opportunity to continue developing scientific process skills, application of terminology and identification of structures and functions of organisms.  It allows the student to develop concepts, think critically and understand how the human body works.  Students will learn about the structures and functions of he human body through reading, written work, lectures, videos, activities, projects and labs.  At the completion of this course, students should have a fundamental understanding of Human Anatomy & Physiology that will prepare them for a life of better health choices and a productive future that will include a college degree.  This course will challenge students to read daily, write about what they read, and research important contributions of other scientists and issues from current journals that are deemed relevant to today’s society.  The course is fast-paced with a heavy emphasis on learning and analyzing facts.  You will have to memorize many anatomical parts of the body as well as learn content related terms.  This course is taught using the Alabama State Course of Study and Macon County Pacing Guide.  The textbook for this class is Shier, Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, High School Edition. 1e (eBook).  Students will also work to improve comprehension skills,  critical thinking, and improve students’ achievement scores on college entrance exams.  


Course Objective:  The objective of Human Anatomy and Physiology is to gain an understanding of basic structures and functions of the human body. Students will study concepts covered in the objectives listed in the Alabama Course of Study to help them make informed choices that will improve their overall health habits and practices.



Students must keep an organized note folder with the following dividers: Bell Ringers, Class Work, Vocabulary, Lab Activities, Test Prep, Reading Assignments and Journal.

Course Topics:

The course will cover the following topics:

      1.  Process skill, Lab & classroom safety

      2.  Anatomical Terminology

       3.  Classify major types of cells, including squamous, cuboidal, columnar, simple, and stratified.

       4.   Classify tissues as connective, muscular, nervous, or epithelial.

       5.   Identify anatomical structures and functions of the integumentary system.

       6.   Identify bones that compose the skeletal system.

       7.   Identify major muscles, including origins, insertions, and actions.

       8.   Identify structures of the nervous system.

       9.   Identify structures and functions of the cardiovascular system. 

      10.  Identify structures and functions of the digestive system.

        11.    Identify structures and functions of the respiratory system

      12.  Identify structures and functions of the reproductive system.

      13.  Identify structures and functions of the urinary system.

      14.  Identify the endocrine glands and their functions.

       15.  Identify physiological effects and components of the immune system.

      16.  Identify anatomical body planes, body cavities, and abdominopelvic regions of the

             human  body.

       17.  Use appropriate anatomical terminology.


Text and Required Materials

  1.  Textbook:  Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology by Shier, Butler and Lewis.
  2.  Required materials:  See list below.

Course Requirements/Grading Scale:

Tests: 30%                                                     Projects & Lab Write-ups: 25%

Quizzes: 15%                                                 Homework: 10%

Class work & Lab Activities: 10%               Class Participation 10%

Required Materials:  Materials will be provided by the System and other donors after the completion of registration.

  1. Paper, pens (black or blue only), pencils, ruler, etc.
  2.  Note Folder
  3. Art supplies (colored pencils, markers, crayon, index cards, etc.)
  4. Scientific Calculator
  5. Writing notebook

Attendance/Late or Missing Assignments:

Students are to adhere to Macon County Board of Education attendance/make-up policies. This class will be fast-paced, so it is imperative that students attend class everyday! If a student missed one day, it is like missing 2 because of the block schedule. It is the student’s responsibility to make-up missed assignments.  Late assignments will only be awarded partial points unless an excuse is provides.  Students will not be allowed to make-up work for unexcused absentees and unexcused tardy.


Classroom Rules of Conduct

  1. Always respond respectfully to adults and classmates.
  2. Clean seating area daily after entering class and before leaving class.
  3. All school rules are to be strictly followed in the classroom.
  4. Absolutely no cell phone usage without the teacher’s permission!
  5. Bring all materials to class EVERYDAY/Never be tardy!  Be responsible.
  6. You will only be able to leave class if there is a school function or if there is an emergency.  Go to the bathroom after coming to class, getting permission  and login by scanning the card on your desk.  Be resourceful.
  7. Never take anything off my desk without my permission.
  8. Pick up and dispose of all trash in your seating area before leaving class.
  9. You may not leave class before being dismissed by your instructor. 
  10. Think before you speak.  I highly encourage discussion on a daily basis as long as the topic is relevant to the day’s lesson.  Please be sure that your input is relevant and adds value to our discussions rather than is disruptive.


  1. Verbal warning
  2. Parent-teacher conference
  3. Discipline Referral

Cooperation: I expect full cooperation at all timesJ

I ask that all students follow all classroom rules: among the most important are bringing all materials to class everyday, always completing homework assignments, and never using a cell phone during class (Important note: I will follow the Macon County Board policy).   Our students need to be in a structured learning environment and they can’t have that if students are disruptive or are forgetful of their materials. I want to try and help each student, but I can’t without everyone’s cooperation. If a student fails to cooperate, I will give verbal warnings first, I will contact parents second, I will schedule conferences with parents third, and if all that does not work—I will request that further action is taken against the student. I am hopeful that it will not get to that point. Please sign that you understand and accept the rules and consequences of my classroom.

__________________________                                                            ______________________

Parent Signature                                                                                      Student Signature

__________________________                                                            ______________________

Home  & WorkTelephone Number /Cell Phone Number                       Telephone Number


__________________________                                                            ______________________

E-mail Address                                                                                     Cell Phone Number


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