Macon County Schools



The Macon County Board of Education is fully certified by COGNIA/AdvancED through June 31, 2026. 

(Click here to see our 2021 Accreditation Report.)

  • The Macon County School District completed its review or accreditation on February 21-24, 2021.  The accreditation process occurs for a school system on a 5-year interval. This process is the epitome of school improvement and reviews the school district under three domains. Note, there were previously five domains. 

Current Domains:

  • Leadership (stable governance, management, and leadership;)
  • Learning (a coherent course of study; a reliable system by which to assess students’ progress; instructors who have a clear understanding of what they aim to teach, how, and why)
  • Resources (access to the resources needed for teaching and learning)

The Cognia domains require the school district to be reviewed in a way that is appropriate to its mission and purpose.

These Standards are research-based, comprehensive quality statements that describe conditions and factors that contribute to a quality educational experience and operational effectiveness.  

The school district believes that these quality standards and indicators established from research by Cognia are the basic criteria for effective teaching and learning environments.  These standards can be met in any number of ways and that effective instruction looks very different from school to school.  Macon County Schools uses its strategic plan anchored by its mission, the Alabama Continuous Improvement Planning Process, and the ELEOT Tool along with the appropriate curriculum and assessments to improve teaching and learning.  


Click here to see our ACIPs.


Alabama’s Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) should be used by all schools in improvement and Title I schools not in improvement to facilitate the planning process. Three templates are available based on the specific school scenario: Title I Schoolwide, Title I Targeted Assistance, or Non-Title. The final plan must be approved by the local education agency’s (LEA’s) board members and signed by the superintendent, federal programs coordinator, principal, and committee members. A CIP is effective for a two-year period and should be reviewed and revised monthly.


The CIP should be developed by a school team that is representative of the challenges being addressed with support from the LEA. Team members that must be present include the principal, guidance counselor, district school improvement specialist (or other designees), appropriate content-area teachers, parent representatives, and student representatives (as appropriate). Depending on the data, additional members may include special population representatives (Technology Coordinator, Special Education, ELL, etc.), district federal programs coordinator, district chief school financial officer, community stakeholders, or any other member as appropriate.


The CIP is a document that is designed to guide the school improvement effort of the school. It should be reviewed regularly and revised as needed in response to the school’s progress on the identified goals and strategies. Once the plan is Board-approved and signed, it is not necessary to obtain additional Board approval when revisions are made to the plan.