Macon County Schools

Comprehensive Learning Supports

School Improvement/Learning Supports

“Read Across Macon County”



Let’s Read…


March, 2015

  1. Adelman, H.S., & Taylor, L. (2008).   Rebuilding for learning: Addressing barriers to   learning and teaching, and re-engaging students.  Scholastic Inc. 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.
  2. Center for Mental Health in Schools. (2001). Enhancing classroom approaches for addressing barriers to learning: Classroom Focused Enabling.  Los Angeles: Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA.  http://smhp.,

Keep Reading…

April, 2015

  1. Center for Mental Health in Schools. (2005). School Improvement planning: What’s missing?
  2. Los Angeles: Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA.
  3. National Forum on Education Statistics. (2009). “Every school day counts: The forum guide to collecting and using attendance data.  United States Department of Education NFES -804.




Six Common Myths About Discipline

The Mozart Effect

C:\Users\tatumkm\Documents\Articles\The Mozart Effect A Closer Look.htm





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