Macon County Schools
All Macon County Day - A Huge Success
WRITTEN BY Venesia McClaney ON August 24, 2013

More than 350 students participated in All Macon County day on Friday, August 23 and Saturday, August 24, 2013.  They had a great time meeting with local government officials and learning about how local government operates.  This fantastic opportunity exposed the district's fourth and seventh graders to new information that will enhance their learning experiences in the social studies classes. In addition, the bands from Notasulga High and Booker T. Washington High Schools performed in the parade, while Tuskegee Public's Cheerleaders cheered their way through the crowd.

Although the day's focus was on local government and history, students had an opportunity to fellowship with each other at their school levels and across the district.  After their learning experience from 9:00 - 11:30 a.m., they spent time on the square just "hanging out". 

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