Macon County Schools
Non-Violence Training
December 17, 2012

Dr. Bernard LaFayette will be in the district tomorrow for an Orientation to Non-Violence Training.  In light of the 20 innocent lives that were lost in a school setting, plus the courageous teachers and administrators who lost their lives while performing their duties, we are very fortunate to have Dr. LaFayette agree to offer his training to the Macon County School System.

Dr. Jacqueline Brooks, Superintendent, is hoping each school can send two or more persons.  Parents, representatives from the PTA, SGA Presidents and Officers, elected officials, and members of the law enforcement community are invited to attend.

The training will take place at the Transportation Building Conference Room (diagonally across the street from Booker T. Washington High School), on 12/18/2012, at 9:00 AM.
