This is dual enrollment course offered through Trenholm State Community College that is designed to develop skills necessary for supervising office functions. Emphasis is on achieving the goals of business in a culturally diverse workplace, office organization, teamwork, workplace ethics, office politics, and conflict resolution. Upon completion, the student should be able to demonstrate skills needed to effectively supervise people and technology in the modern office.
OAD 217 Office Management Syllabus
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Chapter 1 - The manager's Job
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The chapter provides information on key managerial topics such as (a) the meaning of the term manager, (b) an overview of the process of management, (c) a discussion of managerial roles, and (d) a summary of the major developments in the evolution of management thought.
Chapter 1 Outline and Notes
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Chapter 1 Vocabulary
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Chapter 2 -International Management and Cultural Diversity
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The purpose of Chapter 2 is to help managerial workers better understand two related prominent forces in their environment: the internationalization of management and cultural diversity. Understanding should lead to improved ability to deal with the challenges presented by these pervasive forces. To achieve its purpose, the chapter describes multinational corporations, along with cultural diversity, both in the international and domestic realms.
Chapter 2 Outline and Notes
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Chapter 2 Vocabulary
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Chapter 3 - Ethics and Social Responsibility
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The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize the student with key issues in ethics and social responsibility. To accomplish this purpose we describe topics such as the philosophical principles behind business ethics and a guide to ethical decision making. The chapter explains social responsibility from such perspectives as the stakeholder viewpoint and social responsibility initiatives. Finally, we look at the payout from being ethical and socially responsible.
Chapter 3 Outline and Notes
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Chapter 3 Vocabulary
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The primary purpose of Chapter 5 is to explain the nature of problem solving and decision making in organizations. A secondary purpose is to highlight the importance of creativity in managerial work. A key assumption underlying this chapter is that the probability of making an effective decision increases if the decision maker is armed with information about decision making.
Chapter 5 Outine and Notes
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Chapter 5 Vocabulary
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Chapter 7 - Job design and Work Schedules
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Chapter 7 describes the major approaches to job design. Work teams as part of job design are described in Chapter 13. The chapter begins with a description of some important concepts of job design including the following: underlying dimensions of job design, job specialization, job descriptions, job enrichment, the job characteristics model, job involvement, job enlargement, and job rotation. Ergonomic factors are also described. In addition, modified work schedules are presented including telecommuting and the distributed workplace because scheduling is related to design. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the link between job design and high-performance work systems.
Chapter 7 Outline and Notes
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Chapter 7 Vocabulary
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Chapter 9 - Human Resource and Talent Management
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Chapter 9 explains the nature of staffing, giving insight into the major component of human resource management. (The term talent management has become a loose synonym for staffing and human resource management.)
Chapter 9 Outline and Notes
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Chapter 9 Vocabulary
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Chapter 10 - Leadership
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Chapter 10 explains the nature of organizational leadership and what a leader must do to be effective. Here we synthesize a number of ideas particularly relevant to the aspiring manager and leader. The chapter begins with an explanation of the difference between leadership and management, and then describes how leaders influence and empower team members. Next is a discussion of the characteristics, traits, and behaviors of effective leaders. A discussion follows of standard approaches to classifying leadership style: the participative, autocratic, and Leadership Grid styles.
Chapter 10 Outline and Notes
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Chapter 10 Vocabulary
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Chapter 4 - Essentials of Planning
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The purpose of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive overview of the planning function. The two following chapters cover other aspects of planning. This chapter begins with a brief summary of the benefits of planning, followed by a thorough description of the generalized planning model. The next major section of the chapter deals with business strategy, focusing on its nature and how it is developed including SWOT analysis. The same general section also deals with levels of strategy, competitive forces, and types of business strategies. Attention then shifts to operating plans, policies, procedures, and rules. The chapter also describes management by objectives, which remains an important system of planning, goal setting, and review.
Chapter 4 Vocabulary
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