Macon County Schools
Career Tech is Working!

February 08, 2013

In a letter to Dr. Jacqueline Brooks, Superintendent, Dr. Melvin Lowe confirmed the re-certification without recommendation of the Career Tech Program for the next five years.

On Tuesday February 5, 2013 three divisions of our Career & Technical Education Department convened for their (Business Industry Certification) BIC Review. This process was facilitated by Mrs. Willietta Conner – Education Specialist for the State Department of Education – Career & Technical Education Division. The resourcefulness of our facilitator both during and before the review was invaluable to our outcome. We thank Mrs. Conner for her assistance with this process.

The areas under their 5th year review were: Cosmetology (Mrs. Cynthia Y. Brown, Educator),

Business Essentials (Ms. March Knight, Educator), and Business Administration

(Mrs. Marilyn Renfroe, Educator). All of these areas meet without recommendations for improvement their standards and compliance review. This means that they are re-certified for 5 years to instruct and otherwise implement programs and services within their instructional discipline. Indeed, this is a great accomplishment for each individual, the division of Career Tech, and the school district.

Major preparation was in place to secure this outcome. The educators participated in many e-staff meetings, small group collaborative meetings, walk-through visits, and support from their administrator(s). All of these efforts assisted this successful program outcome. There was also a great level of participation from the educators’ advisory team members. This is a major component towards meeting BIC standards; to have the input from industry pre and post of the visit.



Childrens' Miracle Network and L4L

February 07, 2013

Auburn University and Lessons 4 Live collaborated recently in a Dance Contest to raise funds for the Children's Miracle Network.

Members of the BTW and Notasulga TOP Program raised over $1200.00 to support local hospitals who participate in the Children's Miracle Network.  Both kids and mentors had a ball!

To learn more of the Children's Miracle Network, click here.

Water Festival T-Shirt Design Contest

February 05, 2013

Fourth Graders to Design Logo for 1st Annual Macon County Water Festival T-Shirt

Macon County's fourth graders have an opportunity to design the logo for the 1st Annual Macon County Water Festival's t-shirt. The activity has been coordinated and planned by the Macon County Forestry Planning Committee and will be hosted at Tuskegee Public School on Monday, March 18, 2013. Contest details are below:

Guidelines: Logo Design Contest for T-Shirt

Theme: The Wonderful World of Water

Design: Must incorporate the theme and be drawn on the form provided in the Water Festival packet.

Student Prize: Overall Student Winner - $50 prize

Teacher Prize: Teacher of winning student will receives $50.

Deadline:  Due to Central Office no later than Friday, 2/15/13.

Date Entries Judged by a Team: Monday, 2/18/13.  Two entries/finalists will be chosen from each class and submitted to the Water Festival Planning Committee for final judging and naming a winner.


1st Annual Macon County Water Festival

February 05, 2013

Tuskegee Public School to Host First Annual Macon County Water Festival

The Macon County Forestry Planning Committee has worked collaboratively with the school system to pull off its 1st Annual Macon County Water Festival. The purpose of the festival is to provide our 4th graders with a fun-filled activity while learning about all aspects of groundwater and other related natural resources to include surface water, wetlands, forestry, wildlife, etc. and to instill in them a general environmental awareness and appreciation and stewardship ethic. The students will learn where their drinking water comes from and how to protect and keep it clean.

The Macon County Forestry Planning Committee, the Water Festival’s lead, is a nonprofit group of individuals from state and federal Natural Resource Agencies, private landowners and others from nongovernmental agencies who are devoted to promoting healthy and productive rural and urban forests, clean water, a abundance of wildlife, technical guidance, outreach and education to teach  Macon County’s youth and landowners about the tremendous contribution that our natural resources make to the economy, as well as the environmental quality of Macon County and the state of Alabama.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Tuskegee Public School

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

All County 4th Graders (DCW, NHS, TPS, St. Joseph's Catholic School)

Bag Lunches

Special Entertainment: Magic Show

Annual Spelling Bee @ GWC!

February 03, 2013

The annual Macon County School System Spelling Bee will be on Friday, February 8, 2013, at 1:00 p.m. in the cafeteria of George W. Carver Elementary School.  Parents, relatives and friends are invited and encouraged to come out an support our kids!  Dr. Camille Floyd is the coordinator for this event.

School Board Members Appreciation @ DCW

February 01, 2013

Deborah Cannon Wolfe expressed their appreciation of the Macon County School Board Members on February 1, 2013 at Deborah Cannon Wolfe Elementary.  Board members Ms.  Mary Hooks and Mr. Kerry Thompson attended. Rev. Winston Bedgood attended as a parent and a member of the Continuous Improvement Plan Team Member and Ms. Mattie Kitt attended as a community stakeholder and to sing "The Wind Beneath My Winds." Ms. Daniels class recited the poem 'Words of wisdom" by Fred Gray and sang two songs. (We Shall Over Come and Ain't Going To Let Nobody Turn Me Around).  Mrs. Cannon's students gave the duties of a board member, duty of a student and my voice as a student. Thanks goes out to Mrs. Bradley, Ms. Howard, Coach Holland, Ms. Floyd (TU Intern) and Mrs. Marshall. Thanks goes out to Ms. Thomas for  preparing the meal. Congratulations goes out to all of the Board Members and thank you for all that you do!

Workforce Development Improvement Act

January 31, 2013

Workforce Development Improvement Act
Macon County, Shorter, and Notasulga
If you are interested in improving your quality of living, education, employment status, and self esteem; this program is for you. If you are tired of not being able to get a job because you don’t have the necessary skills; this program is for you. If you don’t seem to be able to advance in your current job; this is the program for you. If you are facing graduation and don’t have an idea of what you want to do; this is program for you. If you just need some life/career coaching; this is the program for you.
Open enrollment with limited seat; you need to call today. The program will operate Monday – Thursday from 9:00a.m. – 7:30p.m. The program will be located in the Macon County Public School System’s Alternative Learning Center and the Career & Technical Center located at 1902 Taylor Street Tuskegee, Alabama 36083
The program will begin February 4th 2013 and the program is FREE.
For information please call:
Dr. Melvin Lowe, III, EdD – Education Coordinator / Program Administrator
334-724-1236 ext. 12089 or e-mail:

You may also contact Mayor Willie Mae Powell (Town of Shorter)
334-727-9190 – office
Or: Call the Macon County Board of Education at 334-727-1600
Do not let this opportunity for success pass you by. Please encourage a person in need of these services to call. We look forward to assisting you.

Career Tech is Working!

January 28, 2013

The Career and Technical Education Program in Macon County is proud to announce the Implementation of a Workforce Development Program. This program will serve the benefit of individuals seeking job readiness skills necessary for employment, completion of their high school diploma, self-esteem building, and career coaching. The program is sponsored by a $130,000 grant received by the school system. This program will be located at the Alternative Learning Center and the Career and Technical Education Complex. Educators have been selected and training to implement the Ready-To-Work / Work Keys Program and to provide Career Coaching for the program participants.

On last week, Mrs. Sherry DeLoach - AIDT Community Services Outreach Coordinator provided a two-day training for the personnel who will implement this 10-month program. The staff associated with this program are:

Mrs. Cynthia Brown

Mr. William Turner

Mr. Tracy Stacy

Mrs. Ronita Abney

Mr. Christopher Clark

Pastor Otis Head

Mrs. Juan Macon

Mrs. Senora Moore

Mrs. Bobbie Herring

Dr. Camille Floyd

Mayor Willie Mae Powell

Ms. Earlese Stewart

Mr. Johnny Fowler

Mrs. Verdell Brown

The program will outreach the Tuskegee, Shorter, and Notasulga communities. The nation is on a mission to re-build the supply and demand for able and skilled workforce enabled employees. In order to do this, school communities are crafting new and innovative programs within programs to meet the needs of its community and nations' demands. So often, applicants are on the edge of employment but because of a few missed skills necessary for employment they find themselves un-employable.

Therefore, the concept of Career Coaches will also be infused into this Macon County Initiative. Our goal is for total program success in terms of applicants' ability to secure and maintain equitable employment, graduate from high school, earn their high school diplomas, and seek/maintain employment. The program in reference will run from 9:00a.m. - 7:30p.m. Applicants will be placed in 8 week cohorts as a mean of pacing and benchmarking their successes.

Should you know of individuals who would like take part of this program, please have them contact Dr. Melvin Lowe, III, EdD - Education Coordinator & Program Administrator - Career and Technical Education Complex 334-724-1236 ext. 12089 or email:

This program has the full-support and endorsement of Dr. Jacqueline A. Brooks, EdD - Superintendent of Education and the Macon County Board of Education along with Representative Pebblin W. Warren. Let's make this program a remarkable program not only for Macon County but for the State of Alabama. We must start at home what we want away from home; for all people.


DCW Ranks Kid's College usage

January 23, 2013

The attached report contains valuable information about your students' performance in Kid's College - an online reading, math and science program from Learning Through Sports.

Ms. Daniels' class as the top class (2nd grade) at Deborah Cannon Wolfe ElementaryMs. Anthony's class (4th grade) was second in the school and the group. D.C. Wolfe ranks first in the number of questions answered in the state for it's enrollment of 147 students.  

D.C. Wolfe is 11th in the state for the number of questions utilized. The program was awarded to us FREE!  Our students academic skills have improved tremendously.

Social Business Forum in Macon County

January 18, 2013

A Social Business Forum was held at the Kellogg Conference Center on the campus of Tuskegee University and at Booker T. Washington High SchoolProfessor Muhammad Yunus, a 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, was the guest of honor.  Professor Yunus is known world-wide as the "Father of Microcredit" and the "banker to the Poor".  He is the reciepient of the US Presidential Medal of Freedom and the US Congressional Gold Medal.  Professor Yunus' vision of the world is the total eradication of poverty.  His vehicle for this eradication is the concept of microcredit.

Social Business is a cause-driven business.  The purpose of a social business is not the accumulation of wealth, but to solve a problem for a group of people, be that problem lack of healthcare, availability of clean water or education. 

It was standing room only as Dr. Yunus spoke to a packed room at Booker T. Washington High School.  He spoke of his experiences in his native country of Bangladesh, and how well the concept of Social Business worked.  From humble beginnings, the Village Bank went from one bank to a chain of banks, with 24,000 employees and servicing over a billion dollars in loans!  His concept works parallel to Profit Making Business, as they serve totally different groups of people.  There are now "Village Banks" in New York City as well as the state of Indiana. 

Two student teams, from Notasulga High School and Booker T. Washington High School, presented their concepts of Social Business.  There were four teams in totality, but time constraints prevented all student teams from presenting to Professor Yunus.

For more information about Professor Yunus and Social Business, please click here.